This post announces opt-env-conf
, a new settings parsing library for Haskell. This library combines the best of optparse-applicative
, envparse
, and autodocodec
, together with the colours from safe-coloured-text
to provide all your apps' runtime settings.
Parsing Command-line Arguments, Environment variables, and Configuration files
In just about any application I've worked on, I've always had a very similar module called FooBar.OptParse
that does vaguely the same thing every time:
Parse command-line arguments into an
type.Parse environment variables into an
type.Use those two to determine out which configuration file to use
Parse the configuration file(s) into a
type.Combine the three structures into a
I've even put together and sold an Optparse Template on the CS SYD Haskell Templates. (It may have been updated to use opt-env-conf
by the time you read this.)
I'd tried and failed many times to turn this whole process into a library instead of a template but about a decade later I think I've finally figured it out.
The opt-env-conf
library uses building blocks called setting
s and composes them together into a larger Parser
. It uses my favourite little EDSL technique: the Free (Selective) Applicative Functor. You will recognise it from the autodocodec
library. This technique allows the library to both run and document a parser completely.
The Parser
type cannot have a Monad
instance because that would make it impossible to generate documentation, but using the ApplicativeDo
language extension we can still write code as if it did.
Here is a little worked example:
{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Main where
import Data.Text (Text)
import OptEnvConf
import Paths_opt_env_conf_test (version)
main :: IO ()
= do
main <- runSettingsParser version "Run the foo-bar server"
runServer settings
runServer :: Settings -> IO ()
= undefined
data Settings = Settings
settingPort :: Int,
{ settingPaymentSettings :: Maybe PaymentSettings
instance HasParser Settings where
= subEnv "FOO_BAR_" $ withLocalYamlConfig $ do
settingsParser <-
setting"the port to serve web requests on",
[ help
reader auto,
long "PORT",
env "port",
conf "PORT",
metavar 8080
]<- optional $ subSettings "payment"
settingPaymentSettings pure Settings {..}
data PaymentSettings = PaymentSettings
paymentSettingPublicKey :: Text,
{ paymentSettingPrivateKey :: Text
instance HasParser PaymentSettings where
= do
settingsParser <-
setting"public key",
[ help
reader str,"public-key",
paymentSettingPrivateKey $
mapIO readSecretTextFile
filePathSetting"private key file",
[ help
reader str,"private-key-file",
]pure PaymentSettings {..}
(Please make sure to look up the more recent worked example if you are reading this in the future.)
You'll notice some interesting things in this example above:
function requires aversion
so that--version
can work automatically.The
function requires a program description so that a manpage can be generated.You need only one
types can have aHasParser
instance for easy composition ofSettings
' types.The
function lets you prefix environment variable names below. Similar functions exist for arguments and configuration values.Functions like
lets you define how configuration can be loaded.You can define a setting with the
function takes a list of settingBuilder
s.Within one setting you can define multiple ways to parse it:
: Declare an optionlong
: Declare a name for the optionenv
: Declare an environment variable to parseconf
: Declare a configuration value to parsename
: All of the above.value
: Set a default value
You can use standard combinators like
to combineParser
s.You can use
to bring in more settings from another type with aHasParser
instance.You can use
to run IO actions from within a parser to continue parsing.There are standard settings like
with common settingsParser
Linting step
Running a Parser
starts with a linting step. In this step, a Parser
is inspected for common mistakes.
This linting step seemed fitting because it allowed the library interface to be much more simply typed, and it is done at a phase in a program where exiting is to be expected anyway.
The linting step will warn against issues like these:
You haven't documented the
does not parse anything because you haven't added anyBuilder
s that parse something.You have declared a
as anoption
but not added along
You have declared a
that reads aconf
iguration variable but not declared any way to load a configuration file.
Each of these errors are shown in colour, and with a reference to the code. Here is an example:

Generated documentation
The opt-env-conf
library automatically generates certain options for any parser. We've already discussed --version
, but there are others such as --help
. The above example generates the following --help

As you can see, this is in colour, because why wouldn't this be colourful?
The exact format of this page is still open for improvements (and potentially configuration).
Generated manpage
When an opt-env-conf
parser sees --render-man-page
, it generates a file that man
can render. For example, the example above produces the following man page:

When using your binary on the command-line, you expect that pressing <tab>
auto-completes options and arguments for your program. This is the most "under construction" part of opt-env-conf
, because it turns out to be quite complicated and difficult to try out, but all the infrastructure is already in place. You can produce completion scripts with the --bash-completion-script
, --zsh-completion-script
, and --fish-completion-script
options. These can then be source
d from the right places to enable dynamic auto-completion.
Nix integration
To install the man pages and completion scripts in the right places, opt-env-conf
provides passthru
functions in its overrides.nix
. You can use them when packaging up your executable:
-env-conf-example =
opt-env-conf.installManpagesAndCompletions [ "opt-env-conf-example" ]
self.opt(self.callPackage ./opt-env-conf-example {});
The opt-env-conf
library comes with a companion library for testing called opt-env-conf-test
. It lets you define common tests such as "This Settings
parser is Lint-error-free, or golden tests for Settings
' documentation.
The opt-env-conf
library is available freely under the LGPL-3
license with a static linking exception (Just like the OCaml License). In short: You can use opt-env-conf
in any of your applications for free, but if you fork opt-env-conf
, you (probably) have to make that fork (but not your app) available under the same LGPL license. The static linking exception says that you can also statically link (as is usual in Haskell) against opt-env-conf
The opt-env-conf
library is already used in production. It is available on Hackage and on GitHub, and it is ready to try. Please give it a go and send me your feedback.